Two by two: A real-life Noah’s Ark

Some people have an awful lot of time on their hands, not to mention money to spare. Yet I must admit, the “ship” looks cool. Now all we need to do is sit back and watch as this man will probably triple his investment  as all the religious crazies who really believe in the story of the Flood and Noah’s Ark as told in the Bible will visit the landmark ship – for a small fee of course. TGO

Refer to story below. Source: THE UPSHOT – A Yahoo News Blog:

By Mike Krumboltz Wed Jun 22, 6:17 pm ET

An hour outside of Amsterdam in Dordrecht, Netherlands, a ship is under construction. But this ain’t your typical sailboat, bub. Johan Huibers is building a full-scale replica of Noah’s ark.

Yes, that Noah’s ark. And Johan, an expert builder, isn’t skimping on the details. The ship, which he’s been constructing for the past three years, is built to biblical specs. Johan culled information on the ark’s size and shape directly from the good book. In the end, the ship is four stories high and the length of a football field. And yes, it’s seaworthy.

 The result is an incredibly impressive ship, especially considering it was realized simply by a man with a dream–or, perhaps, a nightmare. According to an interview with NBC’s “The Today Show,” Johan dreamt that Holland suffered a great flood. The next morning, he woke up determined to start preparing for that worst-case scenario.

The ship, which is not to be confused with the theme park in Kentucky that also honors Noah’s ark, is generating a lot of interest in the search box. Over the past 24 hours, online lookups for “noah’s ark photos” and “noah’s ark real ship” have surged.

As for the craft proper, it’s not complete yet, but it’s getting close. The master plan is to sail the ship up the Thames in time for the London Olympics next year. Expect to see plenty of life-size plastic animals aboard (two of each type, of course).

You can check out the video below for an inside look.

About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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