Call Sarah Palin Fat, Get Punched in the Neck

Did I forget to mention; Sarah Palin is still a bimbo. TGO

Refer to story below. Source: Yahoo

Yahoo! Contributor NetworkBy Saul Relative | Yahoo! Contributor Network

COMMENTARY | Sarah Palin made a guest appearance on NBC’s “Today Show” today, co-hosting the popular morning show with Matt Lauer. Known for her rugged individualism, Palin has never been too averse to phrasing things indelicately.

During one segment, while discussing the proportions to which Jessica Simpson’s body had distended while pregnant and the unflattering things that have been said about her, Lauer asked the ex-governor of Alaska about weight gain during her pregnancies and how she would feel if someone commented on it. Palin said she would punch them.

“I would have wanted to punch ’em in the neck,” Palin said. “Because it’s none of anybody’s business how much I would gain. You know why this is even an issue, Matt, is because that Hollywood image is full of itty bitty people, unrealistically tiny.”

But does it matter that it’s a manufactured image or what the real issue might be? Why resort to violence because of something someone said? A serious over-reaction, it would seem.

And if it’s nobody’s business, then why attack them physically? Because it has become quasi acceptable for a female to slap or punch someone with an offensive tongue?

But we are talking about Palin, gun-toting poster girl for the NRA. Palin hunts and fishes. She has been known to shoot wolves from helicopters. Still, being outdoorsy and athletic are not unattractive attributes in and of themselves. And yet these actions represent a tendency toward violent behavior, toward killing.

Going for the throat, as it were. A neck punch can severely incapacitate a person, even cause death.

Unsurprisingly, Palin’s rhetoric is constantly full of antagonistic and violent terminology. Like many politicians, she uses violent rhetoric to enhance her talking points — something that got her in a little trouble after Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head after Palin released a map of Democratic political targets — complete with gun-related imagery to raise funds for upcoming elections.

She had no problem labeling then-Sen. Barack Obama as the associate of a terrorist (Bill Ayers, his supposed “palling around” buddy) on the campaign trail with Sen. John McCain in 2008.

On “Fox News Sunday” in 2010, Palin suggested President Obama would show stronger support for Israel and a tougher character if he bombed Iran, noting it would also help get him re-elected.

Isaac Asimov wrote, “Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.” He was correct. It is also the first resort of the reactionary.

Just as one should consider the words said to a pregnant woman so as not to offend, the reaction of the female should also be well considered should she happen to be offended.

About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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3 Responses to Call Sarah Palin Fat, Get Punched in the Neck

  1. GhostRider says:

    And it is precisely because of that aggression that we will go on to perish as a species – unless our consciousness evolves fast enough to avert that “destiny” from, well, from becoming our destiny. -GhostRider Wisdom…that’s my story and I’m sticking no it.

  2. GhostRider says:

    Although it is true that Sarah is a bimbo, men are as big a bimbos. In this case, at least the women’s violence is attributed to something derogatory being said to them. With my own two eyes, I have seen the following scenario take place.

    A male driving slowly down a street sees a male walking slowly on sidewalk and this interaction ensues.
    (Male driving) “Que cojones tu mira”
    (Male walking) “El cono tu madre”
    Male in car stops and gets out of car and a physical scuffle erupts. The violence occurred because one man thought another man was “looking” at him the “wrong way.”

    (For those that are language impaired, use translate widget on right column)

    Humans share a characteristic of violence with self superiority the culprit. No religion, culture, society, laws, can stop or change that. Man’s consciousness must evolve if we are to survive. -GhostRider Wisdom…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

    • TGO says:

      That story rings a bell; I wonder why?

      Anyway, it is precisely man’s “consciousness,” as you call it, that has allowed man to survive. Remember, we are animals – pure and simple. Without territorial aggression we would never have survived as a species.

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