Is The Narrative Falling Apart?

The answer to the title of this post is: no, the narrative is not falling apart. It isn’t falling apart because for five months now the media, mostly the liberal media, has been driving into Americans’ respective brains that they’re going to die from this virus. 

However, the narrative will die immediately after the November elections, and it will die a sudden death because at that point it would have either served its purpose to eliminate Trump from office or not. By November 4th, you will no longer have the hypocritical hacks at CNN, including Dr. Gupta, scaring people out of their wits. The pandemic for all intents and purposes will for the most part vanish. TGO

Video: YouTube

About Fernando

Am interested in science, politics and sports. I relish learning about the world and our (mankind's) place in it and where we're headed as a society, both locally and globally. Am a collector of fountain pens and folding (pocket) knives. Enjoy a good book, a good movie, playing chess and fantasy football.
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